On behalf of Ronald H. Kauffman, P.A. posted in Child Custody on Friday, September 21, 2012.
child custody cases are emotionally draining, and high conflict child custody cases can have a huge impact on children involved. How to lessen the impact of child custody cases on children has been a problem which lawyers, judges and every other professional in the process have long sought.
A Connecticut family lawyer, Deb Grover, who was serving as Chair of the Connecticut Bar Association’s Family Law Section had the idea to create a film to lessen the impact to children. The film is called Talk to Strangers, and was funded by the Connecticut Bar Association, and written by family law specialist Larry Sarezky and produced by Sarezky with Deborah Grover.
From the website:
Talk to Strangers is a fictional portrayal of what happens when parents divorce, and the custody of the children is in dispute. The film family, particularly the children, trudge through the intrusive and lengthy process that leads to a determination of custody. We see them in interviews with family court personnel and observe the tense and painful family interactions that take place.
If you take a minute to watch the trailer for the movie, you quickly see why this film is very different from other videos available on the subject, as it appeals to you on a strong emotional level. The trailer can be viewed here. I just ordered it, and look forward to viewing it, but here’s what others are saying:
“A must-see for parents and counsel involved in this terrible process known as custody litigation.”
– Arthur Balbirer, Esq. – past president American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
“…Talk to Strangers, both the film and the pocket guide, are wonderful. The voices of the children speak louder than any educational program…”
– Robin M. Deutsch, Ph.D – Children & the Law Program, Dept. of Psychiatry Massachusetts General Hospital
“This wonderful film… will provide insight and great assistance. Watch it and learn!”
– Alan Dershowitz – Harvard University Professor of Law