Month: March 2024

The Myth of Cross-Border Asset Protection

International Prenup

Is cross-border asset protection a myth? As the world becomes more mobile, issues relating to foreign prenuptial agreements, and the type of marital regime people enter, have taken on greater importance.

Prenuptial agreements are not only becoming more common, but are crossing international borders. The situation in which a couple marries in one country, owns assets in other countries, and live in yet another country, has now become commonplace.

I am honored to be speaking at a webinar on the Myth of Cross-Border Asset Protection on April 5th with Juan Francisco Zarricueta from Santiago Chile, and our two moderators, Vanessa L Hammer of Chicago, and Melissa A. Kucinski, from Washington, D.C.

The Webinar is sponsored by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and is open to everyone. One hour of CLE is available.

Registration information is available here.