Author: Ron Kauffman

Divorce Ignorance

A new report by two law professors in England is showing a great deal about the public’s ignorance of divorce laws. Overall, the public’s understanding about finance and property on divorce was considered poor. However, those fortunate enough to have consulted lawyers previously were considered knowledgeable.

London divorce town

Keeping calm and carrying on

The legal experts say that thousands of people going through their divorces could be losing out due to “do it yourself” divorces. The professors from the University of Bristol authored a new report where 20,000 members of the public in England and Wales answered questions on divorce-related laws about dividing finances and property.

For example, given 10 statements about the law and asked to say whether each was true or false, the public correctly identified an average of 4.5 statements. In fact, just over half (55 per cent) of the public correctly identified at least half of the statements.

Statements Which Are Not True (in England):

  • The law says that all assets and debts should be split 50:50, regardless of whose name they were in during the marriage
  • Legally, an individual is not entitled to a share of their ex-spouse’s pension
    The law says that if an individual contributed more money during the marriage, then they are usually entitled to more than 50 per cent of the assets

Interestingly, people with higher qualifications or incomes were somewhat more likely than those with lower level qualifications or incomes to know what the law was in relation to financial remedies on divorce.

Florida Divorce

The official term for divorce in Florida is “dissolution of marriage”, and you don’t need fault as a ground for divorce. Florida abolished fault as a ground for divorce. I’ve written about divorce issues before. The no-fault concept in Florida means you no longer have to prove a reason for the divorce, like your spouse’s political views. Instead, you just need to state under oath that your marriage is “irretrievably broken”.

Before the no-fault divorce era, people who wanted to get divorce either had to reach agreement in advance with the other spouse that the marriage was over, or throw mud at each other and prove wrongdoing like adultery or abuse.

No-fault laws were the result of trying to change the way divorces played out in court. No fault laws have reduced the number of feuding couples who felt the need to resort to distorted facts, lies, and the need to focus the trial on who did what to whom.

Florida abolished fault as grounds for filing a divorce. The only ground you need to file for divorce in Florida is to prove your marriage is “irretrievably broken.” Additionally, the mental incapacity of one of the parties, where the party was adjudged incapacitated for the prior three year, is another avenue.

Dodgy Results?

The report also showed that women were more likely to know about aspects of the law relevant to having children, and men to know somewhat more about the law around the division of assets.

Additionally, and not surprisingly, divorcees were somewhat more knowledgeable about the law than others. But still, their percentages appear to be mere guesswork: they identified an average of 5.2 statements correctly compared to 4.4 statements among those who had not been through a divorce. However, the differences between divorcees and others were not large, with levels of misconception still high among divorcees.

Having a lawyer was important to knowing your rights. Among divorcees who had divorced in the previous five years: those who had used more formal routes to reaching an arrangement, or consulted or used a lawyer, tended to know more about the laws around finances on divorce than those who had not.

Those with higher levels of assets to divide on divorce tended to have a greater understanding than those with lower levels or no assets. Divorcees with dependent children were more knowledgeable than other divorcees in relation to the law around the legal position of parents with main care of their children and around the child maintenance formula, although there were still high levels of misunderstanding among parents on these issues.

With do it yourself divorces, when couples settle how to split finances without courts, the law allows them to agree any split they want. More people are now coming up with their “own solutions” surrounding divorce settlements as there is no longer legal aid in England and Wales. The findings highlighted that women had a greater understanding around law relating to children, whilst men were more likely to know the law on assets.

The professor said the lack of legal aid leads to less awareness and knowledge which is “potentially problematic” because it means that people are relying on “their own misunderstanding of the law which tends to lead to poor settlements”.

The majority of the divorcing population in England and Wales reach arrangements relating to their finances and property outside of the formal family justice system, and also that one in five divorcees seek advice and support from family and friends during the divorce process.

For these reasons, it is important to know what level of knowledge people have, and whether there are misconceptions which might be influencing the decisions made by divorcees and the advice family and friends provide.

The BBC article is here.

Divorce and Annulment in Florida

An annulment is more uncommon in Florida than a divorce. A recent appeal decided whether a court case should proceed as a divorce or an annulment. A Florida husband tried to avoid his obligation to divide his marital property and pay alimony to his wife by alleging in court that his marriage was a fraud because he never consummated it. How did the trial and appellate courts review his argument?


A Case of Annulment?

In the Florida case, a Husband testified he met his wife in 2000 when he attended a retreat. Twenty years later, he was re-introduced to his wife by a colleague. They traveled to Colombia and shared a residence. He argued that he never proposed to his wife, they just mutually agreed to marry. He claimed that all he wanted a companion as he grew older.

At trial he also testified that he never consummated the marriage. He also claimed that he had never seen her naked, didn’t know her bra size or any intimate detail about her body. He testified that she only married him to obtain legal status.

Also during the trial, the wife admitted she never received an engagement ring, but said she signed a prenuptial agreement, that they had consummated the marriage, and had intercourse on several occasions, but only in the dark. Accordingly, she had never visually inspected his body.

The husband’s girlfriend testified he told her he was married and was in process of divorcing. Based on those facts testified to at the trial court found it was a real marriage, that they did have sex, and the case could not proceed as an annulment. The husband appealed.

Florida Annulments

I’ve written about divorce and annulment in Florida before. In Florida, the legal term for ending a marriage is “dissolution of marriage,” not “divorce.” The process is initiated by filing a petition for dissolution of marriage. The term “divorce” is not used in the Florida Statutes.

There are different types of dissolution of marriage in Florida, depending on the circumstances, such as whether there are children, marital property, or if the dissolution is simplified. A judgment of dissolution of marriage is how a spouse returns to “the status of being single and unmarried.”

Annulments are different. An annulment in Florida is a procedure that declares a marriage null and void, as if it never existed. The grounds for annulment in Florida include bigamy, fraud, duress, mental incapacity, and incestuous relationships.

Because Florida is one of the handful of states that has no annulment statute, annulments in Florida are purely a question of common law, decided pursuant to the inherent equitable powers of the circuit court.
The historical common law “impediments” to marriage traditionally fell into two general categories: lack of consent and lack of capacity.

Lack of consent would include, for example, people who are related within certain degrees, and minors without parental consent. Lack of capacity includes marriages involving fraud, mental illness, sham marriages, and shotgun weddings.

That is where consummating the marriage comes in. It is established law in Florida that someone who has become a party to a wedding ceremony by fraud of the other party can secure an annulment if the marriage has not been completed by sexual intercourse.

The Appeal

On appeal, it was found that the trial court record contained ample evidence supporting the holding that the parties consummated their marriage, and the wife did not enter the marriage to commit fraud.
Additionally, in this case no asserted ground or evidence justified a decree of annulment in favor of the husband.

Here the parties entered into a valid marriage contract. The evidence did not establish the existence of any of the grounds for annulment. So, the appellate court ruled the petition was properly denied.

The written decision is available here.

Speaking on the Hague Convention and Interstate Child Custody

Honored to be invited to speak about the Hague Convention and other interstate child custody jurisdiction issues at the 2025 Marital & Family Law Review Course. The program will be presented at the Loews Royal Pacific Resort at Universal Orlando from January 24, 2025 to January 25, 2025. The prestigious Certification Review course is one of largest and most popular family law presentations, and is a partnership between the Florida Bar Family Law Section and the AAML Florida Chapter.

Hague Convention

Interstate Child Custody

Family law today frequently involves interstate child custody, interstate family support, and The Hague Convention on international child abductions. Parents are increasingly moving from state to state and country to country for various reasons. Whether children are moved by parents wrongfully or not, that moving makes interstate and international child custody complicated. The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, and The Hague Convention on Child Abduction, can work together in those cases.

Florida and almost all U.S. states passed the UCCJEA into law. The most fundamental aspect of the UCCJEA is the approach to the jurisdiction needed to start a case. In part, the UCCJEA requires a court have some jurisdiction over the child. That jurisdiction is based on where the child is, and the significant connections the child has with the forum state, let’s say Florida. The ultimate determining factor in a Florida case then, is what is the “home state” of the child.

International Child Abductions

I have written about the Hague Convention before. All family lawyers should become familiar with the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, also known as The Hague Convention on Child Abduction. This international treaty exists to protect children from the harmful effects of international abductions by requiring the prompt return to their habitual residence.

Interstate Family Support

The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act is one of the uniform acts drafted by the Uniform Law Commission. First developed in 1992, the UIFSA resolves interstate jurisdictional disputes about which states can properly establish and modify child support and spousal support orders. The UIFSA also controls the issue of enforcement of family support obligations within the United States. In 1996, Congress passed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, which required all U.S. states adopt UIFSA, or face loss of federal funding for child support enforcement. Every U.S. state has adopted some version of UIFSA to resolve interstate disputes about support.

Certification Review Course

It is a privilege to be invited to speak on the Hague Convention and interstate and international family law issues at the annual Marital & Family Law Review Course again. The annual seminar is the largest and most prestigious advanced family law course in Florida. Last year’s audience included over 1,800 attorneys, hearing officers, and judges.

Register here for remaining spaces, if any.

International Child Custody and Hague Convention

A frequent international child custody issue involves the Hague Child Abduction Convention. Return of abducted children to their habitual residence is required unless defenses are established, in which case ameliorative measures can be considered. Is that also true in a war zone? A court in Montana just decided that question.

Hague Convention2

Home on the Range?

The parents are Ukrainians. They married in the Ukraine and lived in the city of Odessa, Ukraine in an apartment. In February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. The parties began to hear explosions and air raid sirens in Odessa based on Russian aerial attacks, and they were forced to sleep in their basement at times.

In August 2023, the father arranged for the mother and their child to stay with family friends in Moldova due to the increased bombing of Odessa. On August 26, 2023, the mother informed the father that she was intending to fly to Montana with the child to be with her mother and sister.

The father began to take steps to secure the return of the child to the Ukraine by filing a Hague application and filing a return petition in Montana.

Florida Hague Convention

I will be speaking about the Hague Convention and international child custody issues at the prestigious Marital & Family Law Review Course in Orlando later this month. The event is co-sponsored by the Florida Bar Family Law Section and the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

What happens if your children are wrongfully abducted or retained overseas? If that happens, you must become familiar with the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, also known as The Hague Convention. This international treaty exists to protect children from international abductions by requiring the prompt return to their habitual residence.

The Hague Convention applies only in jurisdictions that have signed the convention, and its reach is limited to children ages 16 and under. Essentially, The Hague Convention helps families more quickly revert back to the “status quo” child custody arrangement before an unlawful child abduction.

If your children are wrongfully taken out of the country or wrongfully retained after the time for returning them passed, the Hague Convention can help you get them back.

A Mess in Odessa

At the trial in Montana, it was not disputed that the father established a prima facie case under the Convention. However, the mother argued return to Ukraine would expose the child to a “grave risk” of physical or psychological harm.

The district judge noted that the conflict in Ukraine did not, by itself, trigger the grave risk exception because it’s not sufficient to simply find that because the country is at war, children cannot be returned․

Instead, the focus should be on the risk a child would face in the part of the county she will return to and whether that will imperil her unacceptably. For example, some courts have found that return to certain cities or eastern Ukraine poses a grave risk.

Additionally, the fact that a child has grown accustomed to life in the U.S. was not a valid concern under the grave risk exception, as it is the abduction that causes the pangs of subsequent return. Also, the exception does not provide a license for a court in the abducted-to country to speculate on where the child would be happiest or who would be the better parent. And grave risk does not encompass a home where money is in short supply, or where educational or other opportunities are more limited. Even if a “grave risk” is shown, a court has “the discretion to consider ameliorative measures that could ensure the child’s safe return.

Here, the court found that return to a different city in the Ukraine, Chernivtsi, a city and oblast in southwestern Ukraine was at less risk than the eastern portion of the country such as Odessa. It was also noted that many Ukrainians had relocated to the western part of the country since the invasion.

The Mother’s argument that her voluntary parole status in the United States should be considered. However, to the extent the mother faced a Hobson’s choice, it is a dilemma of her own making. The record showed that the father was willing to allow her and the child to reside outside of Ukraine, but close enough for contact, while custody was determined.

Instead the Mother chose to come to the United States, as opposed to Moldova or another neighboring country, for the undisputed reason that her family was here. Neither the Convention nor this Court’s decision are constrained by that choice.

Based on those facts the court ordered the return of the Child to Chernivtsi, Ukraine and awarded fees and costs.

The order is here.

Registration for the certification review course is here (if available)

Speaking on the Hague Convention and Interstate Custody

Honored to be invited to speak on interstate custody and the Hague Convention at the prestigious Marital & Family Law Review Course in Orlando from January 24th to January 25th. The seminar is co-sponsored by the Florida Bar Family Law Section and the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

Divorce Religion

Raising Arizona

A recent state court case in Arizona applied both the Hague Convention and state law to order law enforcement to immediately pick up a child allegedly being retained in Arizona by the child’s Father. The Father argued that his due process was violated by not providing an opportunity to be heard.

A child was subject to a parenting time order in Mexico. The child otherwise resided with the Mother, Cohen, in Mexico, and the Father, Gbele, to timeshare in the United States.

On December 20, 2023, the Mother filed a petition under the Hague Convention in Arizona state court alleging the Father refused to return the child to Mexico under their Mexican order, and seeking an order for the child’s removal to Mexico.

The trial court found that the Father had not been served, authorized service by alternative means, and temporarily restrained the Father from removing the child from Arizona. After the Mother filed a notice that the Father was served with process, the trial court entered a “pick-up order” to transfer custody to the Mother in Mexico based on testimony at an earlier hearing that the child is imminently likely to suffer serious physical harm or be removed from this state without the issuance” of the order.

The Father asked to vacate the pick-up order for lack of jurisdiction and due process. On the final hearing day, the court neither took evidence nor decided the merits of the petition. Instead, it determined the Father could not challenge the pick-up order because that order did not resolve any of the Mother’s claims from the petition, and therefore was not a final judgment.

The trial court also refused to vacate the pick-up order as moot because the relief of return was effectuated and awarded the Mother travel expenses. The Father appealed.

Florida UCCJEA and Hague Convention

Parents move from state to state for various reasons. It is a subject matter I have written and spoken about many times. Whether children are moved by parents wrongfully or not, moving your children creates interstate custody and support and problems.

What happens if your children are wrongfully abducted or retained overseas? If that happens, you must become familiar with the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, also known as The Hague Convention. This international treaty exists to protect children from international abductions by requiring the prompt return to their habitual residence.

The Hague Convention applies only in jurisdictions that have signed the convention, and its reach is limited to children ages 16 and under. Essentially, The Hague Convention helps families more quickly revert back to the “status quo” child custody arrangement before an unlawful child abduction.

The UCCJEA is a uniform act which promotes cooperation with other courts and ensures that a custody decree is rendered in the state which is in a superior position to decide the best interest of the child.

The UCCJEA helps to facilitate enforcement of custody decrees – even when the custody decrees come from a foreign country – and has the aspirational goal of promoting uniformity of the laws governing custody issues. Under the UCCJEA, a foreign country should be treated as a US state for the purposes of applying the UCCJEA.

Arizona Appeal

On appeal, the Mother argued the appeal was moot because the child was returned to Mexico, where it is undisputed the child is subject to a custody proceeding. The appellate court held that mootness is a discretionary doctrine, and in addition to the pick-up order, the Father also challenged the award of transportation costs, which was sufficient to prevent the appeal from being moot.

The Mother also argued that the trial court had discretion to order the child’s immediate removal under ICARA, which implements the Hague Convention in the United States. ICARA enacted provisional measures “to protect the well-being of the child involved or to prevent the child’s further removal or concealment before the final disposition of the petition.”

In rejecting the provisional measures, the court found there was neither allegation nor evidence concerning the child’s well being or any risk of further removal by the Father and the court’s order was not a final disposition of the petition.

Even if ICARA’s provisional remedies allowed the trial court discretion to enforce a provisional remedy, ICARA also provides that no court may order a child removed from a person having physical control of the child unless the applicable requirements of State law are satisfied.

Under Arizona and federal constitutions you are guaranteed due process. Additionally, under Arizona law, a petition to  enforce a foreign child custody order generally requires notice and a hearing before the trial court may order that the petitioner take immediate custody of a child. On remand, the appellate court direct the trial judge to determine whether to dismiss the petition in light of the child’s removal.

The opinion is available here.

New Year Divorce

If you have been thinking over the New Year holidays about divorce, know that you are not alone. Divorce filings surge in January as people decide to start their New Year with a clean slate. Not surprisingly, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt announced they have settled their eight year divorce case just in time to start the 2025 new year.

New Year Divorce

Mr and Mrs. ‘Formerly Known As’

The couple both signed off on a default declaration filed in Los Angeles Superior Court. The settlement agreement was confidential. In a statement to NPR, Jolie’s divorce lawyer wrote:

“More than eight years ago, Angelina filed for divorce from Mr. Pitt. She and the children left all of the properties they had shared with Mr. Pitt, and since that time she has focused on finding peace and healing for their family. Frankly, Angelina is exhausted, but she is relieved this one part is over.”

Pitt and Jolie met on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the 2005 movie in which the two played married assassins. They wed in 2014 and Jolie filed for divorce in 2016 alleging physical abuse during a private jet flight from Europe.

The FBI and child services officials investigated the allegations and the FBI released a statement saying it would not investigate further. The U.S. Attorney’s Office did not file charges. Pitt and Jolie vowed to keep the details of their divorce private, issuing a statement in 2017 that said they were sealing the documents to protect their six children.

In 2019, a judge declared Jolie and Pitt divorced and single, but reserved ruling on the distribution of the community property and child custody. Those issues remained pending for years, and needed to be settled separately.

Florida New Year Divorce

I’ve written about the recent rise in divorce filings, and many times the holiday season can highlight problems. What should you do? Whatever the reason for your problems, there are a few things that anyone looking into divorce for the first time needs to know to help them through the process.


Line up your priorities for life after the divorce. Is it finding a home? Is it retiring? Getting a job? Managing your special-needs child? Consider writing down your most important goals.


Even if you aren’t certain you need to hire an attorney, or filing for divorce at all, it is a good idea to meet with an expert in Florida’s divorce and family laws. Who better than someone certified by Florida as an expert in marital and family law? We offer free consultations, but even when there is a charge, it is well worth the fee to get accurate information.


Litigation is something to avoid. It’s time-consuming, contentious and expensive. The majority of divorces end up settling. There are many forms of alternative dispute resolution out there, including collaborative family divorce, mediation, and informal settlement conferences.

There is a good reason for treating a divorce calmly and not rushing to file. Think about your end game. Many people file quickly out of anger perhaps after learning of a spouse’s misconduct. But it’s better to be strategic. No one should make such a big financial decision when they are feeling tired and emotional, and divorce is one of the biggest financial decisions of your life.

Life, Interrupted

A private judge the parties hired to handle their divorce reached a decision that included equal custody of their children. However, Jolie filed to have him removed from the case over an unreported conflict of interest. An appeals court agreed, removing the judge and vacating his decision and they had to start the process over.

During the long divorce fight, four of the six children became adults, negating the need for a custody agreement for them.

The use of a private judge has helped to keep details of the divorce from being publicized. However, some elements of their case have been revealed through a separate lawsuit filed over Jolie’s sale of her half of a French winery they owned called Chateau Miraval.

Pitt had wanted to buy her half of the winery, and claims she abandoned their negotiations and sold her share to the Tenute del Mondo wine group. Pitt called the move “vindictive” and “unlawful”, and that  it should not have been made without his consent. The parties’ marital settlement agreement does not affect the winery lawsuit. Their legal battles, like their assassin characters in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, go on and on.

The article from the AP is here.

North Korea Divorce Requirements

North Korea, similar to many countries, has requirements to initiate a divorce proceeding. Just as many U.S. states have requirements before filing for divorce, North Korea has its requirements too. Frustrated by the number of divorces, the Supreme Leader of North Korea has just added a new requirement: any couple that divorces will now be sent to labor camps.

North Korea Divorce

Your North Korean Divorce

Kim Jong Un, at 42 years of age, is North Korea’s “Supreme Leader”. He is also the “general secretary of the Worker’s Party”, and the “marshal of the Korean People’s Army”. Kim Jong Un follows in his father’s and grandfather’s footsteps and rules the socialist paradise of North Korea.

As “Comrade General Secretary”, Kim Jong Un recently declared that dissolving your marriage demonstrates anti-socialist sympathies, which therefore warrants punishment. This declaration from the “Marshal of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” represents a toughening of existing divorce laws, which previously only punished the party seeking the divorce — even in cases of physical abuse.

The “Sun of Juche’s” new divorce law, in an effort to protect the family structure, requires that spouses be imprisoned once the divorce is finalized. As one resident of the northern Ryanggang province reportedly said:

“I went to the Kimjongsuk County People’s Court … where 12 people received divorce decrees. Immediately after the verdict, they were transferred to the county labor training camp. Until last year, when a couple divorced, only the person who first filed for divorce was sent to a labor training camp. Starting this month, all divorced couples will be sent to labor training camps.”

According to Kim Jon Un, who is sometimes known as the “Only and Unique Successor and Leader of the Juche Revolution”, the act of divorce is not only considered an affront to socialism, but also to the Confucian values that tie into the thinking of those in the north and south.

Florida Divorce Requirements

I have written on divorce jurisdiction issues, such as residency and other requirements to obtain a divorce, many times before. Similar to North Korea, Florida has its own requirements to obtain a divorce. For example, Florida has a six-month residency requirement before filing for divorce.

Durational residency – as a pre-condition to divorce – has been considered by many courts and upheld as a valid requirement. The Supreme Court of the United States has consistently recognized the unique status of marriage and has left the entire field of marriage and divorce laws to the individual states.

Florida has a compelling state interest in requiring a durational residency so that Florida avoids intruding on the rights and interests of other states that might otherwise be paramount. There is another important reason.

Domicile of a divorcing party is essential, not merely because of technical jurisdictional rules, but because a divorce can be obtained ex parte, by constructive service of process which can have permanent future effect on the lives and property of third persons as well as the rights of sister states.

Accordingly, U.S. states must go slow, must be careful, and owe a duty to other states and other affected parties to make a record in support of a divorce final judgment that can withstand collateral attack and which will merit full faith and credit by other states.

Stigmatizing Divorce

The foundation of North Korean-style socialism, with its emphasis on the people and the masses, depends on whether family cells are managed effectively. That’s why – to North Korea’s “Brilliant Comrade” – divorce is considered an abnormal event and the breakup of the family.

Broken families are classified as social problems, and the children of these families often do not get along with other children and suffer various forms of discrimination, such as not being called on in school.

The socialist party’s firmly held position is that revolutionizing the family is equivalent to revolutionizing society and that improving the members of the family is equivalent to improving members of society. As a result, government officials who are divorced are considered to have failed to revolutionize their family, and are often unable to rise in rank or hold important positions.

Notwithstanding the “Beloved Father’s” efforts, reports from North Korea show divorce rates increased on the back of the Covid-19 lockdown. Initially, the “Father Marshal” started an education campaign to prevent, specifically women, from getting divorces.

To prevent divorces, lectures were given to members of the Socialist Women’s Union, the largest women’s organization in the country, under the theme:

Let’s thoroughly eliminate the phenomenon of divorce and build a harmonious family, the cell of society.”

When that didn’t work, the “Supreme Leader of our Party, State and Armed Forces” tried other deterrents. The most obvious deterrents, publicly shaming the parents of divorcees, and publicly shaming the officials of  state owned companies responsible for high divorce rates among the workforce, were applied.

Surprisingly, given the socialist party’s campaign and other deterrents, divorces did not significantly decrease. So, the “Respected Comrade Supreme Leader” had no real choice but to act even more punitively by sending divorcing couples to forced labor camps. As one resident is reported to have said:

My brother divorced after three years of marriage. His wife first submitted a divorce application to the court and received a divorce ruling. She was sent to a labor camp for six months, while he has to do one month.

The London Evening Standard article is here.

Syrian Dictator and Divorce Jurisdiction

When you are the Wife of a Syrian dictator living in Russia, and mass graves are found in your home country, divorce jurisdiction may become a big issue. According to press reports, the former first lady of Syria, Asma al-Assad, the wife of the deposed Syrian dictator, Bashar al-Assad, has filed for divorce in England while living in Russia.*

Divorce Jurisdiction

Syrian Saga

Asma Fawaz al-Assad is the former first lady of Syria. She has been the wife of Bashar al-Assad during his tenure as president-for-life from 2000 until he was overthrown December 2024. She was born to Syrian parents in London, she was also raised in London, and holds dual British and Syrian citizenship.

Bashar al-Assad is a the ousted Syrian dictator who has ruled Syria since 2000 after the death of his father, president-for-life, Hafez, who ruled Syria from 1971 until 2000. In November 2024, a coalition of Syrian rebels mounted a military offensive in Syria. Earlier this month, as rebel troops entered Damascus, the Assads fled Syria to Russia, and were granted asylum.

According to international press reports, Asma al-Assad is seeking to leave Moscow for England. Because she holds both British and Syrian citizenship, she is rumored to have started consulting with a family law firm in England.

There are also reports that Asma al-Assad has already filed for divorce from Bashar al-Assad in a Russian court, and has requested special permission to leave Moscow for London to pursue her divorce there.

Florida Divorce Jurisdiction

I have written about jurisdiction before. Generally, jurisdiction is the power of the court to hear a certain controversy, like a divorce. If the court does not have jurisdiction over the subject matter, or the parties to the divorce, any final judgment entered can be void or voidable and unenforceable.

Florida has jurisdiction to act in a divorce case if one of the parties has been a resident of Florida for six months before the filing of the petition for dissolution of marriage. In addition to jurisdiction over the subject matter, a court will need to have personal jurisdiction over the parties to the divorce.

One cannot simply  stipulate to the court’s jurisdiction of the subject matter, the court must actually have jurisdiction over the subject matter.

When children are involved, jurisdiction requires additional steps under the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act. The general purposes of the Act are to avoid jurisdictional competition and conflicts with other courts in child custody matters; promote cooperation with other courts; ensure that a custody decree is rendered in the state which enjoys the superior position to decide what is in the best interest of the child; deter controversies and avoid re-litigation of custody issues; facilitate enforcement of custody decrees; and promote uniformity of the laws governing custody issues.

No Depo in Aleppo

Although the Assads sought refuge in Russia after they fled Syria, Bashar Assad’s situation in Russia remains tightly regulated. Russian authorities have imposed strict restrictions on him, such as preventing him from leaving Moscow or engaging in any political activity. His request for a special permit to leave the capital is currently under review.

The Kremlin has also taken significant economic measures by freezing his assets and wealth held in the country, a move that strengthens Russia’s control over the movements of the Assad family while limiting their future influence. Russian authorities have frozen 270 kilograms of gold, $2 billion, and 18 apartments in Moscow.

The situation is particularly complex for Maher al-Assad, Bashar’s brother, whose asylum request is still pending. He and his family are currently under house arrest awaiting a decision. The possible departure of Asma al-Assad, who may be suffering from cancer, could further weaken the already perilous situation of the family in Russia.

The Albawaba article is here.

*  The Kremlin recently denied reports that Asma al-Assad sought a divorce and wanted to leave Russia.

Marital Settlement Agreements and Divorce Agreements

Marital settlement agreements are a matter of course in a divorce ending in settlement. However, a divorce agreement is not the same thing as a marital settlement agreement. A court in China has to decide whether an agreement to divorce is valid after a mistress paid a wife to divorce her husband, but the wife kept both the money and the husband.

Divorce Agreements

鱼与熊掌,不可兼得 (You can’t eat the fish and the bear’s claw too)

In December 2013, a man named Han married his wife, Yang, with whom he had two daughters whose ages remain undisclosed. Han started an affair with a colleague, a woman named Shi. They also entered into a business partnership and welcomed a son together in November 2022.

In an attempt to “replace” Han’s wife, Shi confronted Yan with a proposal. Shi offered to pay the Wife 2 million yuan ($280,000) if the Wife agreed to divorce her husband Han. As a down payment, and to initiate the agreement, Shi transferred 1.2 million yuan to the Wife at the end of 2022.

But incredibly, more than a year later, the Wife still had not consented to a divorce. Frustrated, the mistress demanded her money back and then filed a lawsuit to recover the 1.2 million yuan after the wife refused to return it.

Over a year after receiving the money, Yang still had not agreed to a divorce, prompting the mistress to take her to court. In the lawsuit, Shi claimed there was a “verbal agreement” that the payment was contingent upon Yang divorcing Han and requested the court to order Yang to return the money along with overdue payment interest for breach of contract.

Florida Marital Settlement Agreements

I have written about marital settlement agreements before. Most family law cases are resolved by agreement, not by trial. A Marital Settlement Agreement is the method to resolving all of the issues, and is the final product of the negotiations.

A marital settlement agreement puts in writing all the aspects of the divorcing parties’ settlement. Topics covered in the Marital Settlement Agreement include the parenting plan and timesharing schedule, the division of the parties’ assets and liabilities, alimony, child support, and any other items to which the parties have agreed.

A marital settlement agreement entered into by the parties and ratified by a final judgment is a contract, subject to the laws of contract. The enforceability of contracts in Florida is a matter of importance in Florida public policy.

A marital settlement agreement is recognized as conducive to marital tranquility and public policy. But contracts intended to promote a divorce will be declared illegal as contrary to public policy. The reason for the rule lies in the nature of the interest of the State. The state’s interest in the preservation of marriage is the basis for the rule that a divorce cannot be awarded by consent of the parties.

胸有成竹 (Be confident)

Back in China, the Shishi People’s Court in China ruled against Shi’s request, stating that the payment violated societal moral standards and public order as it was intended to disrupt a lawful marriage. Additionally, it was determined that Han and Yang had already signed a divorce agreement and were in a “cooling-off period”, which meant that the payment did not meet the legal conditions for a refund.

This “cooling-off” period, imposed by the Chinese government in 2021, requires couples to wait 30 days after submitting a divorce application before the separation is finalized. It has also been revealed that during his marriage, Han spent over 6 million yuan ($825,000) on Shi without his wife’s knowledge.

The court denied Shi’s refund petition, stating the payment violated societal morals and public order by aiming to disrupt a lawful marriage:

“Any significant assets acquired by a married man during the affair, without his wife’s consent, are considered jointly owned by the couple. The wife has the legal right to demand the return of her share from the third party.”

It remains unclear whether Han might face legal repercussions for potentially committing bigamy by living with and having children with someone else while still legally married. The case has sparked lively discussion on Chinese social media, with many describing the outcome as “justice served”.

The South China Morning Post article is here.

Hague Convention and the Mature Child Exception

A  common international custody issue under the Hague Convention involves a wrongfully removed child when there is an exception to being returned home. One such exception is the mature child exception. How mature does a child have to be in order to avoid being returned to the child’s habitual residence? A recent Florida case analyzes that question.

Hague Mature Child 2

Oh Mexico

The Father and Mother are the parents of a child born in Mexico in 2013. They lived together in Mexico until approximately one year after the child was born. After their separation, a Mexican court granted custodial rights and child support obligations. The custody order also contained a clause which prohibited Mother from removing minor child from Mexico without Father’s consent.

Then in December 2022, the Mother abducted the child to the United States. After learning his child was abducted, the Father filed a return petition under the Hague Convention in Florida.

The Mother opposed returning the child by arguing that the child was “sufficiently mature and intelligent to object to being repatriated to Mexico.” The trial court conducted an in-camera interview with the child who was then ten years old and had been exclusively with Mother in Florida for over a year. The child testified she lived in an apartment with Mother and her little brother and was attending school and taking English classes. She enjoyed playing at parks and wanted to join a football team.

She also admitted seeing Mother crying and being told by Mother that Father wanted minor child to go back to Mexico and that “I’m afraid that you might be sending me back to Mexico and that I won’t be able to see my mom.” The Mother testified she not only told minor child about the proceedings, but also told her she feared minor child “would be taken back to Mexico and no longer be with me.”

The trial judge denied the Hague return petition after applying the mature child exception. The father appealed.

Hague Convention

I have written and spoken on international custody and child abduction cases under the Hague Convention. The Convention’s mission is basic: to return children to their country of habitual residence.

In the recent Mexican case, the father had to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the child was a habitual resident of Mexico immediately before her abduction, the removal was in breach of his custody rights under Mexican law, and he was actually exercising rights of custody, or would have been so exercised but for the removal. If so, the child must be promptly returned to Mexico unless there is an exception to return.

The key inquiry in this recent case was the mature child exception. A court may refuse to order the return of the child if it finds that the child objects to being returned and has attained an age and degree of maturity at which it is ap­propriate to take account of its views. A court may find that the child’s objection in and of itself is conclusive—it does not have to be coupled with another defense to be sustained.

Talking ’bout Mexico

On appeal, the district court noted that the child was exceptionally bright and articulate, she calmly and clearly conveyed her reluctance to return to Mexico, and conveyed significant family ties, teachers, and friends in Florida.

But in determining whether the mature child exception applies, courts primarily consider whether the child is sufficiently mature, has a particularized objection to being returned and whether the objection is the product of undue influence.

Here, the ten-year-old child’s preference to remain with Mother in Florida was based primarily on: friends, a desire to attend high school, and an upcoming school trip to Orlando. The appellate court found these to be generic and near-sighted responses and demonstrated the child’s inability to maturely comprehend or appreciate the long-term impact of her decisions.

This was especially true considering the child provided no significant testimony as to her life in Mexico or how life in Mexico differed from life in the United States. Also, her fear of return was based solely on not wanting to be separated from her Mother and return to Mexico does not necessarily mean she will be separated from Mother as Mother is free to return with her to Mexico.

Importantly, only a child’s objection is sufficient to trump the Convention’s strong presumption in favor of return, not the child’s mere preference. Here, the child just didn’t want to be separated from her mom. The only fear of returning to Mexico was being separated from Mother and not an unwillingness to live in Mexico.

Finally, the child’s objection was clearly the product of Mother’s undue influence. For example the Mother admitted she told minor child about the legal proceedings and about her fears of minor child being returned to Mexico.

The court reversed and remanded for the trial court to grant return to Mexico.

The opinion is here.