Interstate Child Custody Attorney: Miami, Florida
Issues regarding child custody and time sharing are complex under normal circumstances. If one or both parents move to a different state, it is important to consult with an experienced family law attorney about modifying an existing court order.
The law office of Ronald H. Kauffman, A Professional Association, has assisted residents throughout South Florida with interstate custody issues and other family law matters for more than a decade. In Florida, if a parent wishes to relocate more than 50 miles away from the child’s other parent for a period longer than 60 days, the law requires the relocating parent to obtain a court-approved modification to the existing order.
More Information on this Practice Topic:
Whether you are a Florida resident who seeks the return of a child to this state, or you wish to pursue court approval to relocate with your child to another state, a lawyer will be instrumental in accomplishing your goals. Miami attorney Ronald H. Kauffman has the experience and know-how you need during this challenging time.
Protecting Your Rights Regarding Interstate Child Custody
If a parent moves to a different state, the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) grants continuing jurisdiction to the child’s “home state,” which is defined as the state where the child has lived with a parent for six consecutive months prior to the move (or since birth if the child is younger than 6 months). Florida courts typically retain jurisdiction if one parent continues to live here.
If a parent moves with a child to another state without notifying the child’s other parent or without obtaining proper court approval, that parent may be charged with child abduction. It is important to note, however, that a small window of time is provided once a parent has received notice of the other parent’s proposed relocation. Ron helps individuals petition the court for the right to relocate and he helps parents defend against a proposed relocation.
Helping Parents Deal With Life Changes
Relocation issues are time-sensitive. Contact Ronald H. Kauffman, P.A., to schedule a consultation. He will review the facts of your case, provide a candid assessment and recommend the best steps to take.
What is Your Family Law Issue? Start Here to Explore the Practice:
Divorce is among the most challenging experiences. Your long-term financial stability and other critical decisions will be made at the same time you are coping with the emotional fallout of a failed marriage.
Family Law
There are a number of attorneys in South Florida, but only a handful are board certified in marital and family law by the Supreme Court of Florida and the Florida Bar. Ronald H. Kauffman is one of them.
Paternity actions are filed in order to legally establish a child’s biological father, typically for the purposes of protecting one’s parental rights or to allow the mother to acquire child support from the father.
Prenuptial And Postnuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements are important for couples planning to marry. Many people believe prenuptial agreements are only for the rich and famous. However, prenuptial agreements help all couples.
Parental Relocation
When one parent wants to move more than 50 miles from their current address with a minor child, they will need either the consent of the other parent, or a court order granting a relocation petition.
Child Support
The amount of the monthly payment is determined by a formula that is spelled out in the Florida Child Support Guidelines. A number of factors are considered in setting the amount of child support that will be paid.