Miami Child Support Attorney
Financial stability often is a main concern in divorce or when an unmarried parent ends a relationship and one household becomes two. Florida law states that both parents must financially support their children until age 18. Support may be required beyond age 18 if a child has special needs.
Generally, the noncustodial parent pays child support to the custodial parent. The amount of the monthly payment is determined by a formula that is spelled out in the Florida Child Support Guidelines. A number of factors are considered in setting the amount of child support that will be paid, including:
- The number of children
- The net income of both parents
- The total number of overnights a child will spend with each parent
- Educational needs of the child
- Day care costs
- Costs for medical insurance, dental insurance and other health coverage, and whether one parent is paying for this coverage
More Information on this Practice Topic:
Protecting Your Rights Regarding Child Support
Whether you expect to pay child support or receive it, the law office of Ronald H. Kauffman, A Professional Association, in Miami will protect your rights and work to put you and your child in the best possible position financially. Attorney Ronald H. Kauffman has more than 20 years of legal experience and a thorough knowledge of Florida child support laws.
Any area of family law that deals with payments from one party to the other can become contentious. It is not uncommon for a party to attempt to hide income in order to lower the amount of child support or spousal support that is paid. Ron is adept at obtaining accurate income as well as other revenue sources (rental income, annual bonuses, profit sharing, etc.) in order to reach a fair agreement.
Assisting With Modifications And Enforcement
Florida laws allow for modifications to child support if it can be shown that a substantial and permanent change in circumstances has occurred. This includes the long-term loss of a job or the disability of a parent, an increase or decrease of 15 percent or more in either parent’s income, termination of day care, an increase in health care costs for either parent or the child, or if either parent relocates far enough away that it impacts the number of overnights he or she has with a child.
If one parent fails to adhere to a child support agreement, steps to enforce payment can be taken. These include suspension of a person’s driver’s license, liens on a person’s house or garnishment of a person’s wages. Attorney Kauffman can help you pursue enforcement of child support orders.
Meet With An Experienced Florida Lawyer

Contact the office of Ronald H. Kauffman, A Professional Association, to schedule a consultation. Ron’s clients always work directly with him throughout their case. The firm represents clients in Miami-Dade County, Broward County and throughout South Florida.
What is Your Family Law Issue? Start Here to Explore the Practice:

Divorce is among the most challenging experiences. Your long-term financial stability and other critical decisions will be made at the same time you are coping with the emotional fallout of a failed marriage

Family Law
There are a number of attorneys in South Florida, but only a handful are board certified in marital and family law by the Supreme Court of Florida and the Florida Bar. Ronald H. Kauffman is one of them.

Paternity actions are filed in order to legally establish a child’s biological father, typically for the purposes of protecting one’s parental rights or to allow the mother to acquire child support from the father.

Prenuptial And Postnuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements are important for couples planning to marry. Many people believe prenuptial agreements are only for the rich and famous. However, prenuptial agreements help all couples.

Parental Relocation
When one parent wants to move more than 50 miles from their current address with a minor child, they will need either the consent of the other parent, or a court order granting a relocation petition.

Child Support
The amount of the monthly payment is determined by a formula that is spelled out in the Florida Child Support Guidelines. A number of factors are considered in setting the amount of child support that will be paid.