Tag: Joint Custody

Paternity and Celebrity

Paternity meets celebrity after rocker, Dave Grohl, announces he is welcoming a child, but his wife of 21 years is not the mother. Dave is rumored to have already retained a divorce lawyer. Besides the couple’s raw emotions, what are some of the family law issues involved when a spouse has a child outside of the marriage?

Celebrity Paternity

I have a confession to make

Dave Grohl was the drummer for grunge band Nirvana, and is the founder, lead singer, guitarist, and principal songwriter of the Foo Fighters. Dave is recognized as the father of rock ’n roll these days: he’s talented, family-oriented, and beloved by fans, musicians and divorce attorneys alike. His nickname is “the nicest dude in rock.”

Dave and his wife Jordyn Blum met in 2001 when she was working as a producer at MTV. They married in 2003. They share three kids. His previous marriage ended in 1997. This week Dave’s reputation may have taken a hit after he announced in a post that he was having a child outside his marriage:

“I’ve recently become the father of a new baby daughter, born outside of my marriage. I plan to be a loving and supportive parent to her. I love my wife and my children, and I am doing everything I can to regain their trust and earn their forgiveness. We’re grateful for your consideration toward all the children involved, as we move forward together.”

The decision by Dave to make a pre-emptive announcement may well have been an attempt to control the narrative, something that crisis communications experts say is savvy. But there are also important family law issues when you have an extra-marital relationship which results in the birth of a child.

Florida Paternity Law

I have written about Florida family law matters, such as paternity, before. When a child is born during a marriage, the legal duty to support that child presumptively rests with the married couple. This presumption protects the welfare of the child. In Dave’s case, it is unclear if the natural mother of Dave’s child is married to another man.

Florida has specific laws relating to children born out of wedlock. Right now, Dave would be considered a “putative father”, meaning someone who may be the biological father of a child, whose paternity has not been established, and the child’s mother was unmarried when the child was conceived and born.

Generally, the parents of a child born out of wedlock, after paternity is established, are the natural guardians of the child, and are entitled and subject to the rights and responsibilities of parents.

But until the father has established paternity under Florida law, the mother of a child born out of wedlock is the natural guardian of the child. Before a court determines paternity, the mother is entitled to primary residential care and custody of the child unless the court enters an order stating otherwise.

Monkey wrench

The announcement was met with different reactions. Some fans took it as a personal affront. Mockery and memes of a sad-looking Ben Affleck also proliferated online, even as Dave pleaded for “consideration toward all the children involved, as we move forward together.”

The level of upset by fans speaks to Dave’s place in the music world, where he has reached high levels of adoration and respect. He is one of just a small group of musicians enshrined into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame with two bands.

But Dave is not the only celebrity to have paternity issues. He joins a list that includes Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bob Marley, and Eric Clapton. While Dave’s celebrity paternity announcement may have gotten ahead of the news, it also left several unanswered legal questions.

The Newsweek article is here.

Joint Custody Rights . . . in Saudi Arabia?

By The Law Offices of Ronald H. Kauffman of Ronald H. Kauffman, P.A. posted in Child Custody on Tuesday, June 2, 2015.

Saudi Arabian courts received 84,000 child custody and related cases in the past few months. The flood of new cases is due to a recent decision allowing divorced women custody rights. Joint custody? Hardly, but this may show a trend.

A Member of the Shoura Council said that litigation in family affairs matters is guaranteed. Independent judges, known as “implementing judges”, apply penalties on those who do not follow rulings ordered by the family affairs courts.

Closer to home, it’s been more than two decades since Massachusetts father, Daniel Sabbatelli, was locked in a contentious divorce that ended with him getting limited access to his three daughters. The emotional toll hasn’t diminished.

As The Daily News of Newburyport reports:

“The courts don’t treat both parents equal,” he said. “It’s winner-take-all.”

Sabbatelli, a Woburn electrical contractor, is one dozens of advocates now arguing that parents should be entitled to equal custody of their children.

Groups like the Boston-based National Parents Organization, to which Sabbatelli belongs, have thrown support behind legislation that requires family court judges to consider “joint custody” in most divorce cases, unless a parent is deemed unfit, along with a raft of other proposed changes to custody laws.

But the changes have plenty of critics:

“Every case is different,” said Fern Frolin, a divorce attorney with the firm Mirick, O’Connell, DeMallie and Lougee. “And this isn’t a battlefield between moms and dads, it’s about what’s in the best interests of the children.”

I’ve written about child custody reform in Florida before. Last month the Florida House and Senate each tried to pass separate bills to change Florida’s child custody laws.

The bills had very different language, but both would have dramatically changed the laws of custody in Florida if the Legislature had not closed early, and they had been signed by the governor.

Worldwide, equalizing child custody laws is a trend. This was not the first time this issue arose in Florida, and next year, anyone interested in child custody laws should keep their eyes on Tallahassee.

The Daily News of Newburyport article is available here.